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Average score for this user is 8, for 14 questions answered between 2001-11-09 and 2003-12-16.

# By As On incident On
8 lioyo table de partition disparue (#71243) 2003-12-16
8 chraa_n a goood expert creation de compte sous Samba (#7267) 2002-04-24
8 andymeigs NVIDIA Kernel Load Failure -- AG Meigs (#1000) 2002-03-09
10 Marco Md How to change WorkGroup (#4754) 2002-01-30
10 JBL Serveur SAMBA sur un domaine NT (#5064) 2002-01-08
8 Brian_Duchinsky Appreciated your help; would have gone there if video drivers had to be upgraded Can\'t Start Graphical Interface (#8971) 2002-01-03
10 cgaudin Super Visualiser les fochiers et répertoires WIndows (#7681) 2001-12-31
10 cgaudin Good Icone CD ROM Absent sur le bureau (#7434) 2001-12-31
10 pellemele problème connexion internet sur ordinateur avec (#4617) 2001-12-24
4 blueeagle dhcp unavaliable to client, internet connection (#5579) 2001-12-05
10 hespanhol thank you very much Routing problem (#4753) 2001-12-04
4 rouddyu Partage de connexion Internet (#1092) 2001-11-12
7 tiberghien probleme après l\'installation (#1756) 2001-11-12
5 chimique Modem USB (#954) 2001-11-09
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