Mandriva Expert


Alex Peuchert

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Average score for this user is 8, for 17 questions answered between 2001-11-02 and 2002-03-03.

# By As On incident On
1 rh8x another with no clue Postfix Help (#1308) 2002-03-03
10 chic DNS to LAN through Firewall (#969) 2002-01-24
10 lemaas79 Simplest instructions on fix How do you get rid of the Dual Boot Menu (#1045) 2002-01-14
8 symmcom Installing a second Network card (#1093) 2002-01-08
10 angeredsmile just after install (#1335) 2001-12-23
10 angeredsmile just after install (#1336) 2001-12-23
10 go4it38 How do I add users to seperate modules e.g. FTP (#1321) 2001-12-11
9 robmodict8 Thanks. I finally just reinstalled everything and started over. GRUB stalls (#1003) 2001-11-11
3 eneese Multiple http servers with SNF (#1233) 2001-11-06
9 Nueman Good Tutorial Samba and Windows (#1017) 2001-11-04
10 KyleTexan Networking Help (#1307) 2001-11-04
10 r00fy Problem with math.h library functions (#936) 2001-11-03
10 whatever69 thanks that did, thank you for thinking of the obvious :) SB16 problem... (#1255) 2001-11-02
7 tim_tye Provided useful basic information How do I configure kdm for network broadcast? (#1312) 2001-11-02
7 tdestache Software installation (#1267) 2001-11-02
8 bitman05 Multimonitor configuration (#990) 2001-11-02
7 greaterdrick GCC crash with Qt libraries (#1316) 2001-11-02
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