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Using Wine

+/- details
User chaffed_1401
Incident Number 94871
Date 2006/01/01 09:03
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product Mandriva Linux 2006 (Official)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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chaffed_1401 : 01/01/06 09:03 AM : Incident created
-   I have no real need for Wine as I have most things I need on Mandriva 2006 PowerPac. However, since Wine came with the dvd, I am keen to see what it offers. I duel boot with Windows XP and have installed Wine from the dvd. I have checked out the WINE HQ site but still have no idea how to make it work.
Any clues or sites that offer help in newbee language would be great. I have clicked help on the program itself but that didn't work at all.


Linegod_7611 : 02/01/06 05:59 PM : Reply received
-   Wine is run against an executable (program, installer, etc) at the console.

# cd /path/to/windows/executable/
# wine program.exe

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

chaffed_1401 : 03/01/06 05:23 AM : More info provided
-   Thanks for the reply but I don't understand what you mean.


Linegod_7611 : 03/01/06 07:04 AM : Reply received
-   I'll try again.

Wine does not run a full Windows environment. It just runs single programs. For
example, if you had a program called 'solitaire.exe' sitting on your Windows
partition - lets say it is see by Linux in '/mnt/windows/programs', you would open
up a console (press 'Alt-F2' and type 'konsole') then you would type:

# cd /mnt/windows/programs
# wine solitaire.exe

This would launch solitaire.exe in Linux, via Wine.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

chaffed_1401 : 04/01/06 12:20 AM : More info provided
-   Thanks again for the reply. I tried to run spider solitaire with wine in the way you suggested. I used "Search for Files" to locate spider solitaire then followed your advice. I have pasted the results below:

[root@localhost dennis]# cd /mnt/windows/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu/Programs/Games
bash: cd: /mnt/windows/Documents: No such file or directory
[root@localhost dennis]#

Any ideas?


Linegod_7611 : 04/01/06 01:53 AM : Reply received
-   It's the spaces in the directory names giving you an issue. Try enclosing it in

$ cd "/mnt/windows/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start

- An alternate is to press 'tab' when typing part of the directory, and it will complete
on it's own:

$ cd /mnt/windows/Docum{press tab}

chaffed_1401 : 04/01/06 08:30 AM : More info provided
-   I used the tab to cd to the required directory. Pasted below is the result:

[dennis@localhost Programs]$ cd /mnt/windows/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu/Programs/Games/
[dennis@localhost Games]$ ls
desktop.ini* Internet Checkers.lnk* Minesweeper.lnk*
Freecell.lnk* Internet Hearts.lnk* Pinball.lnk*
Hearts.lnk* Internet Reversi.lnk* Spider Solitaire.lnk*
Internet Backgammon.lnk* Internet Spades.lnk*
[dennis@localhost Games]$ wine Spider Solitaire.lnk
wine: cannot determine executable type for L"Z:\mnt\windows\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Spider Solitaire.lnk"
[dennis@localhost Games]$ wine Spider Solitaire.exe
wine: cannot find 'Spider'
[dennis@localhost Games]$ wine Freecell.lnk
wine: cannot determine executable type for L"Z:\mnt\windows\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Freecell.lnk"
[dennis@localhost Games]$ su
[root@localhost Games]# wine Spider Solitaire.lnk
wine: cannot determine executable type for L"Z:\mnt\windows\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Spider Solitaire.lnk"
[root@localhost Games]#

Thanks again

Linegod_7611 : 05/01/06 08:16 PM : Reply received
-   I didn't even notice the first time around, but you are in the 'Start Menu', trying to
execute a link. You need to find the executable (.exe) and run it against that.

chaffed_1401 : 07/01/06 10:13 AM : More info provided
-   Sorry for my ignorance, but how do I "find the executable (.exe) and run it against that"?

Thanks again

Linegod_7611 : 09/01/06 09:35 PM : Reply received
-   The same way you found the .lnk files 'I used "Search for Files" to locate spider...'. This time,
ensure that you find a '.exe' file, not a '.lnk' file (or open up the .lnk file in an editor and see if
contains the path to the executable).

chaffed_1401 : 10/01/06 03:58 AM : More info provided
-   Thanks. I now understand what you mean. It seems, however, that the exe files are well hidden. What I mean is that I am having trouble finding them but I will keep looking.
Also, is it possible for me to play mp3 files from Windows on linux? If so, would I use Wine and Windows Media Player/Real Player or can I get XMMS to play them?

Thanks again for your time and understanding

chaffed_1401 : 12/01/06 09:27 PM : Incident closed

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