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Problems with ADSL internet connection

+/- details
User chaffed_1401
Incident Number 94575
Date 2005/12/08 04:50
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product Mandrakelinux 10.1 (Official)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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chaffed_1401 : 08/12/05 04:50 AM : Incident created
-   I have recently (yesterday) changed from dial up modem to ADSL for internet connection. We have 3 computers connected to a D-Link DSL-G604T modem/router.
Computer #1 : runs Windows XP is hard-wired and works perfectly.
Computer #2 : runs Windows XP is wireless and works perfectly.
Computer #3 : (mine) duel boots Windows XP and Mandrake 10.1. XP works perfectly but Mandrake 10.1 has some issues. It boots up and operates nicely for off-line tasks but on-line, it's a different matter. Some sites it will go to while others are timed out. The sites that it will go to, however, seem to take about 10 seconds after they are clicked on before the site begins to load. From this point, however, they then load quickly. Clicking on links within a site (assuming that I could get in to it) seem to work ok.
It is a Lan connection (ADSL did not work at all). The following is copied from the "Manage Connections" section of MCC;
Vendor: ?Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
Description: ?SiS900 10/100 Ethernet
Module name: ?sis900
Mac Address: ?00:0b:6a:53:55:76
Bus: ?PCI
Location on the bus: ?-

Protocol is DHCP
IP address is
Net Mask is
DSN Server is

Any help would be great.

Thanks Heaps

Linegod_7611 : 09/12/05 03:50 AM : Reply received
-   Two things:

1. It looks like the subnet mask is being passed incorrectly. It should be
2. Is there a DNS server at

What I would recommend is configuring your connection as a 'static' connection,
using the following:

DNS: Fill in with the DNS server of your ISP

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

chaffed_1401 : 09/12/05 05:28 AM : More info provided
-   Thanks for the reply but no go. My ISP does not support static. Could I be missing a driver for the enternet card? I've searched my 10.1 cds but found nothing. Would upgrading to Mandriva 2006 help? Is the fact that my machine is an AMD (2600 ) be the problem?

Linegod_7611 : 10/12/05 12:10 PM : Reply received
-   I though you said you had a DLink device between your machine and your ISP.
That is where you are getting your address from, is it not?

The DLink device should allow you to set a static IP.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

chaffed_1401 : 14/12/05 03:58 AM : Incident closed

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