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No desktop- HELP

+/- details
User Spirit_Artist_9676
Incident Number 94496
Date 2005/12/03 14:30
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product Mandriva Linux 2006 (Official)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
Spirit_Artist_9676 : 03/12/05 02:30 PM : Incident created
-   I have installed Discovery 2006 it goes through startup and ends with....
Mandriva Linux release 2006.0 (Official) for i586
Kernel 2.6 .12-12mdk on an i686 / tty1
Localhost login:

The only time I can actually get to the desktop is if I put in the Live Disc. How do I get it to run properly via the desktop? Thanks....

Linegod_7611 : 03/12/05 05:24 PM : Reply received
-   It sounds like X was not configured. At the prompt ( Localhost login: ), login as
'root' and type 'XFdrake' to reconfigure X (XFdrake is case sensitive). Once X is
configured, reboot the system.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

dubdub73_1673 : 03/12/05 05:52 PM : Reply received
-   I think you have not tuned the graphical interface nearly at the end of the
install process.

I suppose you have installed KDE or Gnome.

At "localhost login:" prompt, log in with your standard username and password.
then type :
to start graphical interface.

You can change the default runlevel by editing /etc/inittab file :
become root :
su -
enter your root password when required.
then open the /etc/inittab file with vi for example
and change the following line :
to :
and save the file

After reboot, you will go directly to the graphical interface.

Nota : If you have choosen paranoid level of security, graphical interface
will not start.
you can change level of security with msec :
as root, type :
msec 3

Spirit_Artist_9676 : 05/12/05 07:51 PM : Incident closed

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