- This is really strange and has puzzled me for months.
Real Gurus, I need your help here.
I am running an apache server 2.0.54 on a Mandrake Linux (limited edition 2005), using DSL (PPPoE) and a Netgear router. Very standard configuration: DSLModem->Router->machines in LAN. I had many experiences in those things and confirmed the following using various tools/tests:
1. Port 80 is not blocked;
2. Port 80 is open/forwarded in router.
3. I can access some HTML pages from outside of LAN.
4. Apache listening at 80 and port=80.
Strange thing is,
I can not view certain pages, like my phpBB2 forum and image files, even some HTML files.
I checked all conf files and .htaccess files(if any), none is restricting my access to those files/file types. However, I can view those pages from LAN machines w/o any problems. That's true even I use WAN ip in the address bar in IE from LAN PCs. I just can not view those files from outside for no reasons. Even stranger, the access_log show status code 200 and no errors logged in error_log. The inaccessible pages from outside are just hanging there for some time and then I saw "Can not find the server" and "The page cannot be displayed".
I even shutdown firewalls with the installation(iptables/shorewall, etc.), but problem persists.
The linux was installed on an IBM machine dual-booted with Windows NT 4.0, if that helps.
The Linux part was partitioned using ext3 file system as prompted.
As a starting point, can you guys access the following page:
I confirmed that this is an Apache configuration issue instaed of network issue. I installed PWS in another win98 machine and I can access any page on that server w/o any problem. When I installed Apche on that Win98 machine, I saw the same issue.
Anyone knows what could be wrong with my Apache?
Any advices/suggestions were greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance, Gurus.