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Cannot access certain pages served by Apache

+/- details
User mandrakedengx
Incident Number 94080
Date 2005/11/01 16:46
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product Limited edition 2005
Architecture x86_32
Scope Web Server

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mandrakedengx : 01/11/05 04:46 PM : Incident created
-   This is really strange and has puzzled me for months.

Real Gurus, I need your help here.

I am running an apache server 2.0.54 on a Mandrake Linux (limited edition 2005), using DSL (PPPoE) and a Netgear router. Very standard configuration: DSLModem->Router->machines in LAN. I had many experiences in those things and confirmed the following using various tools/tests:

1. Port 80 is not blocked;
2. Port 80 is open/forwarded in router.
3. I can access some HTML pages from outside of LAN.
4. Apache listening at 80 and port=80.

Strange thing is,

I can not view certain pages, like my phpBB2 forum and image files, even some HTML files.

I checked all conf files and .htaccess files(if any), none is restricting my access to those files/file types. However, I can view those pages from LAN machines w/o any problems. That's true even I use WAN ip in the address bar in IE from LAN PCs. I just can not view those files from outside for no reasons. Even stranger, the access_log show status code 200 and no errors logged in error_log. The inaccessible pages from outside are just hanging there for some time and then I saw "Can not find the server" and "The page cannot be displayed".

I even shutdown firewalls with the installation(iptables/shorewall, etc.), but problem persists.

The linux was installed on an IBM machine dual-booted with Windows NT 4.0, if that helps.
The Linux part was partitioned using ext3 file system as prompted.

As a starting point, can you guys access the following page:

I confirmed that this is an Apache configuration issue instaed of network issue. I installed PWS in another win98 machine and I can access any page on that server w/o any problem. When I installed Apche on that Win98 machine, I saw the same issue.

Anyone knows what could be wrong with my Apache?
Any advices/suggestions were greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance, Gurus.

mandrakedengx : 01/11/05 05:09 PM : More info provided
-   Can any one access that page?Thanks.

Linegod_7611 : 02/11/05 08:27 PM : Reply received
-   I can access it - if it was the Halloween Google image....

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

mandrakedengx : 03/11/05 12:56 AM : More info provided
-   I found out the root of the problem : my Apache server can not send files more than 1500 bytes (regardless of file types)!

My router also set mtu size 1500. But it should break files into pieces should they be larger than that? What's your router's MTU setting, does this matter?

In access_log, all pages sent with 200 status. No errors in error_log.

Anyone knows what's wrong here?

I am using the some default settings which come with Madriva Linux:

# KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the
# same client on the same connection.
KeepAliveTimeout 15

Timeout 300

<IfModule peruser.c>
MinSpareServers 2
MaxProcessors 10
MaxClients 150
MaxRequestsPerChild 100
Multiplexer apache apache
# Processor user group /home/user
# chroot dir is optional:
# Processor user group
Note: The rest of modules: MaxRequestsPerChild = 0. Like in <IfModule prefork.c>, MPMs. What are your settings in those modules for MaxRequestsPerChild?
BTW, what is "Multiplexer apache apache" meant? Does it matter? My userid/group were not set as "apache apache".


dubdub73_1673 : 03/11/05 05:29 PM : Reply received
-   I also can access your google logo.

I'm not apache guru. All I can say is :
"The HTTP Status Codes range in value from 200 to 599. Values from 200-299
indicate successful responses."

The last available Mandriva Apache package is apache2-2.0.53-9.2.102mdk.i586.rpm

You can try to put a longer timeout ? (restart apache service)

mandrakedengx : 26/04/06 10:49 PM : Incident closed

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