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Upgrade from RC2 to Offical: uses CD4 but no CD5

+/- details
User scubajim_5623
Incident Number 93825
Date 2005/10/10 11:46
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product Mandriva Linux 2006 (Official)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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scubajim_5623 : 10/10/05 11:46 AM : Incident created
-   I've just upgrade one of my machines from 2006 RC2 to 2006 official. It never asked for CD3 (which is odd, considering I needed it for installation), it DID ask for CD4 (which is odder, considering I never had for for RC2).

However, the real issue is that it asked for CD5. It seems to me that the Club version is CDs 1 to 4 for the 7 CD Powerpack. Can someoen confirm if this is correct and also what is missing from my installation as I didn't have the CD5 when prompted?

Linegod_7611 : 13/10/05 03:35 AM : Reply received
-   If it didn't ask for CD 3, there was no change to any of those packages between
RC2 and 2006, or they where moved to CD 4.

It would be difficult to tell you exactly what you are missing from CD 4, without
knowing exactly what you have installed. Odds are, it is nothing important -
most likely a language package.

Your best bet is to wait until the public tree from 2006 opens up, and then
update from their, and it will install any missing packages

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

scubajim_5623 : 17/10/05 08:09 PM : More info provided
-   Ok, that seems a very reasonable explanation. I'm quite happy with that.

In fact, I think that the public FTP for the packages should be ready around about now so I'll check.

Funnily, I just did an install from the Club disks (1 to 4) and it still asked for CD5. I wonder what I'm missing.... Oh well, I'll find out if it's important.

Let's consider this closed.

Linegod_7611 : 20/10/05 02:15 PM : Reply received
-   You should see an option in this incident to close it (Experts can't close tickets).

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

scubajim_5623 : 25/10/05 12:09 AM : More info provided
-   Hummm.... I'd thought I'd closed this one, but evidently not. I'll try the close button again.

scubajim_5623 : 25/10/05 12:10 AM : Incident closed

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