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RPM packages

+/- details
User Nicolas_Bordeleau_19
Incident Number 93153
Date 2005/08/03 18:41
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Nicolas_Bordeleau_19 : 03/08/05 06:41 PM : Incident created
-   I'm new to Linux and I need to set up a Corporate server with EPR5 (

I baught Mandriva Corporate Server 3.0 an installed it without problems.
I read about urpmi and I tried used both the console and gui version (rpmdrake).

I need to know what kind of rpm packages I'm supposed to install on this server, Almost all sources I found on the net where for mandrake 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2 (Ex.:

If I'm unable to download any binary program for my OS, I guess I can download the source and compile it for mandriva CS3? If yes, How? Any tutorial who can help me with this?

Linegod_7611 : 03/08/05 07:06 PM : Reply received
-   The majority of software is located on the CDs, but Mandriva Corporate Server 3.0 is based
on Mandriva 10.1, so if there is a requirement, you should be able to use the 10.1 RPMs.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

Nicolas_Bordeleau_19 : 04/08/05 03:17 PM : Incident closed

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