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64bit Mandrake problems

+/- details
User Julian_Pilfold-Bagwe
Incident Number 92888
Date 2005/07/15 02:18
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product Limited edition 2005
Architecture ia64
Scope Other Components

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Julian_Pilfold-Bagwe : 15/07/05 02:18 AM : Incident created
-   Hi all,

I'm writing to ask if anyone is having problems with the 64 bit Mandrake distro.

I have several servers running 32 bit Mandrake on Athlon XP, and P4 systems with no problems whatsoever. The one Athlon 64 machine I have deployed however is hell on toast with numerous problems surfacing over the last week. For instance, I have one machine running in High Security mode that keeps enabling password expiration even though I have disabled it in draksec and userdrake. After disabling it twice in Userdrake I used webmin which set all the password entries in /etc/shadow to 99999 days max lifetime only to be told the passwords had expired next time I try logging in.

Samba kept locking files (overrode that one by compiling latest version from source) and the whole plot seems really flaky.

Can I run 32 bit Mandrake on an Athlon 64? I have got to the point where my faith in the 63 bit version is flagging badly.

Cheers all,


Linegod_7611 : 15/07/05 05:55 AM : Reply received
-   'msec' (mandrake security) is adjusting your files. You can adjust this by either
lowering the security level (type 'msec 3' as root) or adjusting the levels directly.

You can view the current settings in '/etc/security/msec/server.*' and
'/usr/share/msec/perm.4'. Add the changes you want in
'/etc/security/msec/perm.local'. This will keep your settings if msec is ever

You can then re-apply msec by typing 'msec {level}'

There is some good info at:

And, of course 'man msec'.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

Julian_Pilfold-Bagwe : 15/07/05 08:04 AM : More info provided
-   Hiya,

Thanks for the reply. I must admit, I've already done the things mentioned and it seems to have lasted 5 hours without doing anything weird so I I'm hoping the phone won't start ringing ;)

What concerns me more than anything is that all the servers I've rolled out in the last 3 years have been running in msec level 4 (Higher) and none of them have done anything remotely odd. I have 5 ix86 2005LE boxes out there already and they seem OK so is there a problem with ia_64? Surely the source code they're compiled with isn't that different. I only really want to know if it's worth using ia_64 in the near future or shall I stick with P4's in servers.

Anyway, thanks again, all the best,


Linegod_7611 : 15/07/05 04:09 PM : Reply received
-   x86 and x86-64 are compiled from the same SRPMS now, so they should be
almost the same.

I have noticed some occasional 'strangeness' with x86-64 msec, but it usually
resolved by dropping down a level, then back up to the desired level.

Personally, I've been moving completely to Athlon64 or Opteron - occasionally
using the x86 build on them where need be (ie: rrdtool rrd files generated on
x86-64 cannot be properly read on x86 without exporting/importing).

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

Julian_Pilfold-Bagwe : 18/07/05 01:45 AM : More info provided
-   Hi all,

Thanks for the answers, I've dropped the server down to security level 3 and then implemented tcp wrappers for controlling access to services. I've also now got two firewalls between the server and the outside world with several tripwires set to mail me if anything happens ;)

So far, the user accounts have stayed OK but I'm not sure how much time I can dedicate to fixing the msec problem. Strange thing is that none of this has happened with the ix86 version.

Thanks again all, I think I'll close this one off.

Julian_Pilfold-Bagwe : 18/07/05 01:46 AM : Incident closed

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