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hit counter using SSI

+/- details
User Peter_cooper_1135
Incident Number 92872
Date 2005/07/13 22:23
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product Limited edition 2005
Architecture x86_32
Scope Web Server

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Peter_cooper_1135 : 13/07/05 10:23 PM : Incident created
-   i am trying to run a simple hit counter using SSI by placing the following line of code into my index.shtml page

#include virtual = "/peter/public_html/perl/"

the script executes ok by it is unable to open the count.dat file that contains the current hit counter value so it always returns a value of 1 to the webpage instead of the correct total i have tested the code by running it in a terminal window and it work fine opening the count.dat file reading and updateing the counter value and returning the updated value. i first though it was a problem with the file permissions for the count.dat file so i right clicked the file selected the permissions tab and gave read write permission to users groups and others but it still doesnt work help please im new to linux and im pulling my hair out just trying to get this simple code to work

Linegod_7611 : 15/07/05 05:57 AM : Reply received
-   In '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf' , have you set 'ExecCGI' for that directory?

Did you check the logs in '/var/log/httpd/' for errors related to your script?

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

Peter_cooper_1135 : 15/07/05 01:30 PM : Incident closed

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