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NT 4.0 network browsing with samba

+/- details
User jhollo00
Incident Number 928
Date 2001/10/29 16:55
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope NetBIOS Connectivity

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jhollo00 : 29/10/01 04:55 PM : Incident created
-   How do I make my stand alone Mandrake 8.1 installation on my laptop browse and successfully mount network based volumes on an exsisting TCP/IP LAN. I want to be able to access shared volumes on a server using my exsisting network authentication permissions so that I can get to information which in stored on a LAN server. I can get DHCP to give me an IP address correctly on the LAN, but I want to be able to browse the network as if I was the on my Windows 2000 system logged into the network. I am the only Linux user on my LAN. How do I set up Samba or anything else for that matter in order for this to work??? Thanks for the help.


Iron Fist : 29/10/01 05:09 PM : Reply received
-   configure your /etc/samba/smb.conf either by hand, or with webmin

yroagoex : 29/10/01 06:03 PM : Reply received
-   on /etc/samba/smb.conf put your workgroup
put yout wins server
you can find it with nmblookup -M YOUR_WORKGROUP
and use gnomba or LinNeighborhood (find it in mandrake cooker)
to browse your network put your login and password in their config

jhollo00 : 29/10/01 06:06 PM : More info provided
-   i did that, i am not sure what to enable and what not to enable. i set the items i thought would be right, but i then went to gnomba network browser. I see the machines, but when i try to log in to them to see the shares it gives me an error of "error returning --- list:ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access Denied) i think that I am missing something but I am not quite sure. Thanks for the help.


Tin Weasil : 29/10/01 07:00 PM : Reply received
-   A quick search at will bring up links to downloadable
version of linneighborhood.

linuxstar : 30/10/01 12:01 AM : Reply received
-   OK try instaling LinNEigborhood , is front end to smbclient and smbmount
I think it solve your problem , use to detect windows machines and mount onto
your linux machine in a directory of your home .


pigeonflight : 30/10/01 12:03 AM : Reply received
-   In the past I have done the following to my
linux box, in order to share with Windows
1. find out the ip addresses of my windows
machines and edit the /etc/hosts file,
adding the names and ip addresses of my
windows machines.
e.g. if I have a windows machine called Bill
( and another called Scott
( I would add the following
lines to my /etc/hosts file
#/etc/hosts - with windows hosts bill scott

2. I make sure that Samba is installed
urpmi samba

3. to test if mounting is fine I usually
type this at the command line as root:
mkdir /mnt/bill
mount -t smbfs -o
username=name //bill/sharename /mnt/bill
<tt>note: "username" is set to a valid
windows account name, "sharename" is the sharename on the windows machine

if that works, you should be able to list
your new mount as /mnt/bill <em>
ls /mnt/bill

A Gui alternative to step 3. is to use
konqueror. In the location bar type:
smb://bill or
smb://scott </em>
That's it.

if you found this answer satisfactory
goto<b> STEP 3 </b>
then choose <b>close this message </b>
please rate me. Thanks!!

jhollo00 : 30/10/01 02:23 PM : More info provided
-   Great folks!!! it finally works as root but why can't i map shared volumes as a regular user or set them up under root and then access them with a regular users account. It says that it was denied when i try to add a mapped volume when i am not logging in a root. It must be in the permissions, but where to be safe.

Thanks again for everyones help, i will rate you all accordingly.


jhollo00 : 30/10/01 02:26 PM : More info provided
-   or is there a way i can pass my nt user info through Konqueror so that my nt permissions will apply. you know without linNeighborhood so that it kinda looks like network neighborhood and I can have the same nt functions allowed in linux.



BOSSoNe : 30/10/01 03:04 PM : Reply received
-   Hi,
this is a base configuration (/etc/samba/smb.conf or /etc/smb.conf) for
client computer that's working on a lan with win nt 9x 2k stations and an NT
domain controller.
you have to replace DOMAINE by the name of your NT domain, HOSTNAME by your
hostname, the ip class of your network and SERVER by the netbios name of the
domain controller.
next you can use Komba2 under KDE2 to browse your lan.


workgroup = DOMAINE
netbios name = HOSTNAME
server string = Samba Server %v
hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.0. #ton réseau lan
client code page = 850
character set = ISO8859-1
printcap name = lpstat #pour partager les imprimantes
load printers = yes
printing = cups #ton unix printing system
guest account = pcguest #pour autoriser un compte invité
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m # le log
max log size = 50
security = server
password server = <SERVEUR> #remplace par le nom du serveur de domaine
password level = 8
username level = 8
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
unix password sync = Yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %nn *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %nn
username map = /etc/smbusers
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

# Configure Samba to use multiple interfaces
# If you have multiple network interfaces then you must list them
# here. See the man page for details.
; interfaces =
remote browse sync =
remote announce =
local master = no
; os level = 33
domain controller = SERVER #serveur de domaine
dns proxy = no

#============================ Share Definitions
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writable = yes
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = yes
# to allow user 'guest account' to print.
guest ok = yes
writable = no
printable = yes
create mode = 0700
# =====================================
# print command: see above for details.
# =====================================
print command = lpr-cups -P %p -o raw %s -r # using client side printer
; print command = lpr-cups -P %p %s # using cups own drivers (use generic
PostScript on clients).
lpq command = lpstat -o %p
lprm command = cancel %p-%j

# This one is useful for people to share files
comment = Temporary file space
path = /tmp
read only = no
public = yes

yalnif : 31/10/01 10:58 AM : Reply received
-   the newer versions of kde have an option to set the user and pwd in the kde
control center under Network.

I would not advise using kde as it is v. slow

if i were you i would use these steps.

login as a user(that exists on the nt server)
create under /home/yourusername directories for the shares you want to access
goto a console and run smbmount // being the ip of the server.

This is the fastest and easiest way to access the shares

acam : 04/11/01 11:46 AM : Reply received
-   I wonder if we are all talking at cross purposes?

You just want access to files stored on your NT LAN correct?

You don't need SAMBA for this - a quick and crude way to do it is to mount
the shared directory on your NT server as a directory on Linux.

The command is, IIRC, smbmount, called through mount.

Just type smbmount and follow the example.


jhollo00 : 13/11/01 03:00 PM : More info provided
-   thanks for all the help guys, things work great now.

thanks a ton.

jhollo00 : 13/11/01 03:22 PM : Incident closed

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