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Support for 3Com Megahertz PCMCIA 10/100 card?

+/- details
User dave_linux
Incident Number 9254
Date 2002/01/04 16:08
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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dave_linux : 04/01/02 04:08 PM : Incident created
-   I'm using the x86 download images for Mandrake 8.1. I have installed it on an IBM Thinkpad 600X with a 3COM Megahertz 10/100 ethernet card (model 3CCFE574BT).

Linux seems to recognize the card *sort of*. The card gets activated and I can see the 100Mhz light turn on (on the connector). My laptop is set for dual-boot (NT 4.0Linux). I wrote down all of my networking info from my NT setup and configured the card in Linux to be the same (static IP address, net mask, default gateway, DNS servers).

I can ping my own interface. I can ping the default gateway. I cannot ping any network beyond my default gateway. If I bring up Netscape and try to http/https to a web server on the same subnet as my laptop I get "Connection Refused". I have triple-checked that I have entered the default gateway correctly. When I bring up the Mandrake Control Center it shows that my interfae is up but that I am not connected to the Internet. When I try to configure the internet connection there are no selections listed for a 3Com 574 card. I tried all of the given 3Com drivers and they did not work. I checked the Hardware Compatibility section on the Mandrake website and it seems to say that my 3Com card is supported on the 8.1 base package discs.

Is there anything I missed? Anything special I need to do to get proper LAN access?

Linegod_7611 : 04/01/02 05:16 PM : Reply received
-   If you can ping the gateway, and nothing else, it is most likely that your DNS is either missing, or misconfigured.

Try pinging a known IP (not name) , such as - , if you can ping the IP, it is definately your DNS.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

dave_linux : 04/01/02 06:02 PM : Incident closed
-   Thanks for the info - but I fixed it myself. Looks like the last tinkering I did didn't take effect until I rebooted. I was able to browse the Internet, etc.. Couldn't use Netscape, tho' - it locked up when I tried to enter in proxy info. Galeon seems to be the best.

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