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Keep mounts permanently

+/- details
User calban_6502
Incident Number 92290
Date 2005/06/04 07:19
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product Mandrakelinux 10.1 (Official)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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calban_6502 : 04/06/05 07:19 AM : Incident created
-   Folks,
so if you can answer my question

I am a complete novice with Linux and have only used the GUI applications for any setup.

I have a small network. A Mandrake 10.1 box, a Windows 2000 Prof box and an ASUS Notebook. I can use the LinNeighbourhood to set up mount point for the Windows box. I have set the Edit, Preferences, Miscellaneous tab to Memorise Mounted Shares/Remount on next startup checkbox to checked. However, each time I start up I have to go and mount all the Windows stuff again.

Is there any way of setting the Preferences so that the mounts occur automatically when I boot up?

Any advice will be gratefully received


Linegod_7611 : 06/06/05 05:19 AM : Reply received
-   Try running 'drakconf' and selecting 'Mount Points' then 'Set Samba Mount

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

calban_6502 : 07/06/05 10:19 AM : More info provided
-   I've tried the Samba Mount Points. I select the get servers button and the linux and windows boxes display. When I select the linux option I get the user directories displayed. When I select the Windows option, I get a logon, password and domain dialog. No matter which logon and password I use (from the windows administrations password to the current user logged on at the windows box to the root password and the current logged on user at the linux box when I select OK at the logon dialog nothing happens.

calban_6502 : 12/06/05 05:07 AM : Incident closed

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