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How to install nVIDIA drivers?

+/- details
User swrPC
Incident Number 89790
Date 2005/03/02 04:13
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product Mandrakelinux 10.1 (Official)
Architecture x86_64
Scope Installation

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swrPC : 02/03/05 04:13 AM : Incident created
-   I think this should be simple, but I new to Linux and can't figure it out. I went to the root console shell, put the new Linux Display Driver in the CD rom and typed the installation command given by nVIDIA. I just get a "no file found" message, or something like that. What commands (besides the lines that nVIDIA shows in their instructions) do I need to use to install the Linux nVIDIA display driver and the Linux nForce Driver-AMD64?

Linegod_7611 : 02/03/05 07:01 AM : Reply received
-   What was the command?

What was the exact error message?

Where did you get the CD with the driver?

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

swrPC : 05/03/05 12:26 PM : More info provided
-   nVIDIA provides a web page with Linux drivers. I downloaded drivers for the Linux Display Driver (64-bit) (version 1.0-6629) and the Linux nForce Driver-AMD64 (version 1.0-0292). I burned each one to a CD.

The instructions for the installation of the Linux Display Driver say to type:

The instructions for the installation of the Linux nForce Driver-AMD64 say to type: sh

In each case, after typing these commands, I just get "no file found" (or something similar).

Linegod_7611 : 08/03/05 02:43 AM : Reply received
-   You didn't have to burn them to a CD, unless you where installing them on a
different computer.

The command that NVidia gives you assumes that you are in the directory that
you downloaded the NVidia driver to.

In you case, you would now do:

$ su
# cd /mnt/cdrom
# sh

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

swrPC : 09/03/05 06:53 AM : More info provided
-   Thank you very much. There is so much I need to learn. Getting into a Linux OS is like starting over for me, so it'll take me some time to learn how to do things.

I appreciate your help very much, Linegod.

swrPC : 09/03/05 07:03 AM : Incident closed
-   Thanks, again, Linegod, for your help. It was really helpful for me. Little by little, I'm determined to master the Linux OS.

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