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Connecting to Postfix incoming server

+/- details
User skent
Incident Number 8778
Date 2001/12/31 16:09
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Mail Server

Products owned

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skent : 31/12/01 04:09 PM : Incident created
-   Ok, here is my dilema. I am trying to get a mail server setup on Mandrake 8.1. I installed Postfix and configured it as I was instructed by Mandrake Tech support. I was able to find the incoming and outgoing servers, send messages but could not log on to the incoming mail server. After spending a few hours on the phone with tech support and inspecting the services under Mandrake Control Center, I was told that I needed to have ipop2 or ipop3 installed. I did the command urpmi imap and this installed the imap, imaps, ipop2, ipop3 and ipops services. Now however when I try to start the services, I get a message that says "unrecognized service". I am getting so close. Please help me with any info you can provide.


Linegod_7611 : 31/12/01 05:30 PM : Reply received
-   The ipop3 service is controlled by 'xinetd' . Edit the 'ipop3' file in '/etc/xinetd' and change 'disable = yes' to 'disable = no' and then start the 'xinetd' service (if
it is not already). You should then be able to recieve mail.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

skent : 31/12/01 07:45 PM : More info provided
-   I looked in the xinetd folder and there was no "disable = yes" in ipop3 but there was in ipop2. I changed that but to no avail. Any other suggestions?

MandrakeSoft : 03/01/02 03:39 PM : Reply received
-   Hello,

You just can use Postfix in order to send some mails but if you want to receive some mails you must use another software for example fetchmail, procmail....

If you want you can find more informations about postfix at the following website:

And here you can find a lot informations about Linux.

Best regards,

The technical support team.

pcarnicelli : 07/01/02 01:17 PM : Reply received
-   Effectively you can start ipop3 directly it the xined service who does that.
What is you security level?
If you hav secirity level 4 ou 5 you need to activate advanced services.
Try with level 3 of less then if it works. Put your security level 4 and
activate advanced services...

skent : 07/01/02 06:21 PM : More info provided
-   How exactly do I change my security level and use advanced services? I am sorry but this linux thing is still very new to me.


pcarnicelli : 09/01/02 04:44 PM : Reply received
-   You can change the security level from Mandrake centrer

uligue : 09/01/02 10:21 PM : Reply received
-   At terminal , type ntsysv. Check ipop3 and OK. Restart xinetd.

skent : 14/01/02 07:48 PM : More info provided
-   ipop3 was already checked so I restarted xinetd and got the same results. The error is "The specified server was found, but there was no response from the server. Please verify that the port and SSL information is correct." My incoming port is set to 110, the default POP3 port. Thanks for any help.


skent : 18/01/02 06:10 PM : Incident closed

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