package installer
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cableghost : 31/12/01 03:12 AM : Incident created |
- hello when i download a program that is archived in tar.gz or gz or rpm
i try to install it with package manager but it gives my error, [root@crtntx1-ar8-4-61-004-065 cableghost]# ;echo RESULT=$?
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;e'
for everything i try to install. is right to use package manager to install
programs that are compressed?
Linegod_7611 : 31/12/01 06:21 AM : Reply received |
- For tar.gz packages, use 'tar -xvzf packagename.tar.gz' and then read the documentation in the folder that it creates on how to install.
For gz packages, use 'gzip -d packagename.gz' and read the documentation in the folder it creates.
Most 'tar.gz' and 'gz' programs need to be compiled. You might be better off looking for the RPM of whatever program you are trying to install. Most
popular software is already available in RPM (and 9 times out of 10, already on the CD).
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.
MandrakeSoft : 31/12/01 09:40 AM : Reply received |
- Hello,
Please find below the procedure for using the tar.gz files and installing the
software from sources.
Unpacking Archives
Source is usually distributed in compressed archives. Which makes sense, since it usually contains of more than one file and compression works
especially good on text files.
In UNIX, these archives are created and expanded by using two different programs: one that collects all file in an archive ('tar') and one which does the
compression ('gzip' or 'bzip2'). In slang these archives are called 'tarballs'.
To expand archives, you can either use some graphical archive manager like KDE's 'Archiver', GNOME's 'guiTAR' or TkZip. In KDE and GNOME, they
should be started automatically as soon as you (double-)click on an archive file.
On the command line, you use:
tar xzf [file].tar.gz for extracting gzip-compressed tar file archives, and
tar xyf [file].tar.bz2 for tar files compressed using bzip2.
The first option ('x') means 'extract'. For creating archives, you'd substitute it with 'c', to merely list the contents with 't'), the second denotes the
compression utility and the 'f' tells a 'tar' to expect a filename. One other interesting option is 'C' which tells 'tar' to switch to another directory before
extracting the archive:
tar xzfC [file].tar.gz [dir]
"Pure" 'bzip2' or even 'zip' archives are quite rare in the GNU/Linux world. Unpack such archives with bunzip2 [archivename] resp. unzip [archivename]
(the latter works on selfextracting '.exe' archives, too).
section index top
Important Files to Read
Most source archives contain files called README and INSTALL. They feature comments by the programmer on the program, how to compile it, things
to watch out for and more. It goes without saying that you should read these files ;-).
cableghost : 01/01/02 12:26 AM : More info provided |
- hi thank you for your reply but i have uncommpressed the files but the read me says config, compile, make, makeinstall im sorry but i dont understand what that means, i relly like linux but i cant install programs i download. i know its user error but if you could help me i would really appreciate it :)
Linegod_7611 : 01/01/02 03:24 AM : Reply received |
- It means you type those commands while in the directory.
# ./configure
# make
# su (to change to root)
# make install
What program are you trying to install anyway?
cableghost : 02/01/02 04:56 PM : More info provided |
- im just trying to install xine or a divx player thats really the only program i want.
cableghost : 03/01/02 04:42 AM : Incident closed |
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