Mandriva Expert
The place where your Mandriva Linux system finds support

HardDrak and Dell Inspiron 2500

+/- details
User c_oflynn
Incident Number 8681
Date 2001/12/30 19:55
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope XFree 86

Products owned

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c_oflynn : 30/12/01 07:55 PM : Incident created
-   Hi,

I just got Mandrake Linux 8.1 PowerPack edition and installed it on my Dell Inspiron 2500 laptop. However when i try to access HardDrak via the control panel, i get a splash screen that says "detection in progress" for a few seconds, then the screen goes to a blank screen with a flashing cursor. At start-up harddrake seems to intilize fine but i can't get at it through the control panel :( Any ideas?

Thanks so much!!


Linegod_7611 : 30/12/01 08:11 PM : Reply received
-   Try running 'harddrake' from a console, as root, and see if it generates any errors in the console.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

c_oflynn : 31/12/01 12:29 AM : More info provided
-   Hi,

Oddly enough i figured out how to get harddrake working in both. In text only mode teh same thing happened. But i relised that i could use Alt-F1 in graphics mode to "re-fresh" the display, and hardrake worked! SO in grapfic mode i started HardDrake, the same thing happend like normal. Then i hit Alt-F7 and my screen went back and i could get @ hardDrake! I'll leave the thread open if anyones got some ideas about how to stop it from needing Alt-F7, but i've got teh basics working!

Thanks again,


dakota : 31/12/01 01:37 AM : Reply received
-   close the incident this is a bug with the detect library for certain motherboards and chipsets.

there is no fix for it as of now.

the same thing happens on my machine and i just live with it until the detect library gets fixed


MandrakeSoft : 31/12/01 01:08 PM : Reply received
-   Hello,
The installation on some laptops suffers from the automatic hardware
detection. You should perform an expert mode installation by
passing the F1 key at boot off.
Type in the following command thereafter:
linux noauto

If this does not help you any further, give us more information about the installation procedure and tell us at which moment this happens.
Furthermore give us your full hardware setup as stated below:
Please give us your full
hardware configuration (vendor and model)
with all the details you can:
Laptop/Desktop: vendor , type (full description )
Ram Memory
Keyboard (PS/2, USB, azerty, qwerty, specials functions keys,.....)
Mouse (PS/2, serial, USB, 2 or 3 buttons, ....)
Hard drive (size, partitions,IDE/SCSI,..Ez drive software..)
Videocard (PCI, AGP, on-board, ....)
Sound card (ISA, PCI, on-board, ....)
SCSI card
modem: internal (pci isa) -external
Other cards or devices.

Mandrakesoft wishes you and all your family a merry
christmas and a happy new year.

Best regards,

The technical support team.

c_oflynn : 31/12/01 05:00 PM : More info provided
-   Hi again,

SO do u want me to re-install Linux in epert mode? Anyway here is my laptop description, but its not really a big problem as i can still get HardDrake!

Dell Inspiron 2500 - Laptop
Intel Celeron 900 MHz processor
Intel 815EM system chipset

O2Micro OZ6933 Cardbus Conttroller for PCMCIA / Cardbus (two slots, 3.3/5v)

256Sb SDRAM @ 100 Mhz speed

1 serial port (DB9)
1 parallel port (unidirectional, bidirectional or ECP)
1 VGA connector
Stereo in/out / microphone
1 6-pin mini-DIN
1 Ethernet port
1 Telephone line

Integrated intel 3D AGP Graphics (video data bus)
integrated graphics Intel 815EM (video controller)

AC97 Link audio controller (internal interface: PCI bus/AC 97)

Keyboard: qwerty w/ function keys (suspen, setup, CRT/LCD, eject CD, sound up, sound down, mute) and 4 soft-keys as well as "windows logo" key and menu key

TOuch pad is PS/2 compatible

Modem is 56k mimi-pci Lucent Technologies Winmodem
Netowrk card is mini-pci Intel 82557 (Ethernet pro 100)

The laptop also has a floppy and CDROM (not burner) drive.

Thanks again,


c_oflynn : 31/12/01 09:07 PM : More info provided
-   lol woops, i put my comment right after my original, see above ;)


MandrakeSoft : 02/01/02 12:15 PM : Reply received
-   Hello,

Yes , we want you reinstall linux ,
apply the instruction :
The installation on some laptops suffers from the automatic hardware
detection. You should perform an expert mode installation by
passing the F1 key at boot off.
Type in the following command thereafter:
linux noauto
If this does not help you any further, give us more information about the installation procedure and tell us at which moment this happens.

Best regards,

The technical support team.

dakota : 02/01/02 02:41 PM : Reply received
-   do not reinstall you are reading an automated responce from mandrake (i am alsmost positive of it)


dont forget to close this incident

c_oflynn : 03/01/02 01:59 PM : More info provided
-   Hi,

Yeah i'm pretty sure it is just a bug with HardDrake like marc says, it isn't a problem at all now that i know how to work with it, and harddrake itself seems to work. I'd like to avoid re-installing linux right now, i just finished getting Alsa-sound working on my laptop (and installing a new kernel ;).



c_oflynn : 03/01/02 02:04 PM : Incident closed
-   As dakota said, "this is a bug with the detect library for certain motherboards and chipsets." IF u have the same thing happen hit Alt-F(number of console your in), or normally Alt-F7.

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