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user accounts and root

+/- details
User brewewa
Incident Number 83716
Date 2004/08/31 12:51
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 10.0 (Official)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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brewewa : 31/08/04 12:51 PM : Incident created
-   I installed MankrakeLinux 10 and as part of the configuration process I created a user account for myself. When I boot, I am presented with a screen to choose which user to login as, and since I created only one user account, that is the only one available to select. Since root is not in that list of accounts, how would I login as root?


Linegod_7611 : 31/08/04 02:36 PM : Reply received
-   There should be no reason to log on as root (and it is highly discouraged).
Any program that requires 'root' access will ask for the root password. ie:
Mandrake Control Center. If you need to temporarily switch to root to
perform and administrative task, you can open a console (ALT-F2 and type
'konsole') and type 'su' then enter your root password. Any application
launched from that console or any command entered will run as root.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

brewewa : 01/09/04 01:55 PM : Incident closed

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