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is KDE crashing or PWR MGMT isn't good?

+/- details
User gluppi_5108
Incident Number 8320
Date 2001/12/27 21:28
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope XFree 86

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gluppi_5108 : 27/12/01 09:28 PM : Incident created
-   I'm using the Mandrake 8.1 distribution on a PIII, with
KDE interface. The motherboard is: Intel SE440BX-2.

In the BIOS the power mgmt is active and I have no
screen saver configured.

After some time (about 10 minutes) that I'm working in
KDE the screen becomes entirely black, even if I don't
stop working. It seems it's gone into power saving and
cannot wake it up in any way.

All I can do is hit CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE and restart the
X server, losing my job and wasting time for re-login and
restart all the applications. After other 10 minutes,
it happens the same thing, causing me a real hassle.

I would like to keep the power mgmt activated in order to
leave the PC in low power consuption when I'm not using it,
so how can I avoid this pain in the *ss?

Thank you for any suggestion. Bye...


Linegod_7611 : 27/12/01 11:28 PM : Reply received
-   You could try disabling Power Management on the motherboard, and then in 'K/Control Center/Power Management/Enegy' set 'Standby After' and
'Suspend After to values you want (I would leave 'Power Off' at zero, as I have seen problems when Power Off is set).

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

gluppi_5108 : 28/12/01 09:03 PM : More info provided
-   Thank you Linegod...

If I do as you say it works, but in this way I have to power down the computer manually, losing the automatic power-off capabilities.

After doing many tests I saw that what really happens, when I am in X, is:
- the pc goes in stand-by mode and the screen becomes black
- I press a key (or many keys) on the keyboard and it wakes up but the screen remains black
- I have to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL or CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to bring up X again.

If I work in console mode (CTRL-ALT-F1) and the PC goes in stand by, I can wake it up smoothly pressing the space bar and everything is fine.

Definitly the problem is only with X, that seems unable to redraw the screen or something like that.

Bye and thank for your support.


Linegod_7611 : 29/12/01 06:49 AM : Reply received
-   Do you still have the freeze problem when the BIOS Power Management is turned off? If you don't, you could try setting the 'Power Off' also, and see if it
returns your ability to automatically power off, without locking.

gluppi_5108 : 29/12/01 10:55 AM : More info provided
-   No, it doesn't lock up, but when I "shutdown -h" I have to manually turn off the PC, even with "Power off after" set to a value different than 0.

gluppi_5108 : 29/12/01 11:04 AM : More info provided
-   In "K->Control Center->PowerControl->Laptop Power Control" there are 2 settings.

Is the meaning for "Not powered": if the laptop is being used with batteries, wait xx minutes of inactivity and then go into Suspend/StandBy/powerOff?

Is the meaning for "Powered": if the laptop is being used without batteries (with power cable), wait xx minutes of inactivity and then go into Suspend/StandBy/powerOff?

Is my interpretation correct?

Linegod_7611 : 29/12/01 04:45 PM : Reply received
-   Yes, your interpretation is correct.

gluppi_5108 : 09/01/02 06:37 PM : More info provided
-   I disabled the timeout timer in the BIOS (leaving power mgmt enabled) and now it doesn't enter sleep mode.

When I shutdown -h the PC powers off correctly.
That's fine for me now.

gluppi_5108 : 09/01/02 06:40 PM : More info provided
-   I'm not sure about that.

Isn't "off" = power mgr disabled?

gluppi_5108 : 11/01/02 12:06 PM : Incident closed

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