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X86 vs IA64

+/- details
User charljoubert
Incident Number 82715
Date 2004/07/29 14:40
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 10.0 (Official)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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charljoubert : 29/07/04 02:40 PM : Incident created
-   To put it simply I want to know if Mandrake 10 X86 will work on a 64bit machine. I understand that there has been an IA64 version released for this specific purpose but I also know that Windblows does not have a 64bit operating system out for these chips yet and runs just fine.

The specific chip I am looking at is the AMD64 chip. I have done some research on this chip and have found that it has the ability to run 32bit applications as well as 64bit. Does this then mean that I can use my current X86 version of Mandrake 10 or do I have to upgrade to the IA64 version to run the operating system.

Note I only ask if it will run, the performance issues between 64 and 32 are obvious.


Linegod_7611 : 30/07/04 01:54 PM : Reply received
-   You can install and run the x86 version of Mandrake on an AMD64, or you can
install the x86_64 version of Mandrake (the RC1 is available on Mandrake
mirrors, final release is available to MandrakeClub Silver members) and _also_
install x86 RPMS where there is not a x86_64 version.

As a side note IA64 denotes the 'Intel Architecture 64' with is different from
the AMD64, which is usually called 'AMD64' or 'x86_64' to specify its ability
to run both 64 and 32bit apps.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

charljoubert : 09/08/04 01:14 AM : Incident closed
-   Hey thats great! Just the info I was looking for!


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