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slow resolving host

+/- details
User sjwoeste
Incident Number 82431
Date 2004/07/21 04:33
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 10.0 (Official)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
sjwoeste : 21/07/04 04:33 AM : Incident created
-   My mozilla 1.6 internet connection is very slow, it seems to pause on "resolving host" before downloading the web page. I am behind a firewall on my home network and the win98 and win XP machines on the same network are much much faster. How do I fix it? Thanks so much for the help!

Flink : 21/07/04 06:30 AM : Reply received
-   Install a DNS server on your local machine.

User Opera or Mozilla browser or make the best configuration for Conqueror.

Linegod_7611 : 21/07/04 11:40 PM : Reply received
-   Don't install a DNS server.

Check to make sure your system has the proper DNS servers. What may be
happening is that the 2wire is not passing the DNS info properly to your system.

You can manually edit '/etc/resolv.conf' and add the DNS servers provided by
your ISP.

Open a console (ALT-F2 and type 'konsole') then:

$ su (then enter your root password)
# vi /etc/resolv.conf

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

sjwoeste : 27/07/04 03:17 AM : More info provided

sjwoeste : 27/07/04 03:28 AM : More info provided
-   Thanks, your suggestion to add the DNS IPs to the mandrake configuration helped a lot, although its still not nearly as fast as the XP or Win98 PCs. Incidently, the Gateway and DNS records were the same on all 3 machines prior to the implementation of your suggestion on the linux PC so I can't help but thinking something else was going on. Anyway, thanks so much for your help.

Linegod_7611 : 29/07/04 06:18 AM : Reply received
-   The only other thing I can think of is switching to a Static internal IP if
you are using DHCP right now.

If you're satisfied with the answer, please remember to close this incident.

sjwoeste : 30/07/04 02:33 AM : Incident closed
-   This service would be good to have in a searchable data base so you don;t have to solve the same problems over and over. The solutions from the Club forums just don;t seem to work very often.

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