apache2 module updates
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gjmwalsh : 01/07/04 08:01 PM : Incident created |
- I realize this is a 'cooker' issue, but I thought someone might be interested in the fact that with the update of ADVX (apache2) to release 2.0.50, the following 4 modules are not updated from 2.0.49 and therefore cannot be employed: apache2-mod_auth_external, apache2-mod_ssl, apache2-mod_xslt and apache2-mod_python.
Linegod_7611 : 01/07/04 11:51 PM : Reply received |
- Did you post it to the 'cooker' mailing list? That would be the best way to
get them updated....
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this
gjmwalsh : 02/07/04 05:19 AM : More info provided |
- I know ... that looks so obvious, but I cannot post to that site. They keep saying they don't recognize my static IP or URL, which of course is a bit strange, given that I can read the message which says they cant reach me ...
I've tried 4 times over 6 months but get nowhere. Yet I have received not a single complaint from any well else ....
Oh well, a bit of irony in that, I suppose!
gjmwalsh : 02/07/04 07:20 PM : More info provided |
- Yesterday, mod_ssl and mod_auth_pgsql 'arrived' in cooker which are may main concerns, so I can temporarily get Apache up again .....
gjmwalsh : 02/07/04 07:30 PM : Incident closed |
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