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Partitioning new drive prior to install

+/- details
User goverly
Incident Number 8046
Date 2001/12/24 19:07
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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goverly : 24/12/01 07:07 PM : Incident created
-   I want to install 8.1 on a new Maxtor 30gb drive and also copy my existing Windows partitions to it. Can I use Partition Magic to create partitions that 8.1 will recognize for installation, and what would an efficient (basic) partitioning scheme look like to maintain both 8.1 and Win98se on this drive.

Linegod_7611 : 24/12/01 09:39 PM : Reply received
-   Do not use Partition Magic to create Linux partitions. Simply leave the partition space you want to allocate to Linux as 'freespace' and use the Mandrake
installer to create the partitions.

Partition sizes for Linux will vary depending on what you want to use the box for. What did you want to use it for?

goverly : 25/12/01 08:20 AM : Incident closed

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