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Inactive Menu Item

+/- details
User gsilvey
Incident Number 8036
Date 2001/12/24 17:56
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Printing

Products owned

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
gsilvey : 24/12/01 05:56 PM : Incident created
-   When I log in as a normal user or as root, using the Gnome interface, I can access the menu items
under "Configuration-Printing." However, when I try to access the same menu items logged in as
root, using the KDE interface, the menu simply goes away. Any ideas?



Linegod_7611 : 24/12/01 09:45 PM : Reply received
-   I would not recommend logging in as root. Log in as a user and then access any 'root' functionality you need through "Mandrake Control Center' or from
a console, by typing 'su' and your root password.

Some of the menu options are disabled when you log in as root through KDE. Some of this is designed to unsure that you do not accidentally corrupt the

gsilvey : 25/12/01 08:15 PM : More info provided
-   Thanks for the comments. An additional observation is that the strange menu
behaviour only occurs when clicking on the "printing" menu item using a mouse
or touchpad. If I use the keyboard, then the "printing" menu properly selects.



Linegod_7611 : 26/12/01 06:43 AM : Reply received
-   Well, that's just plain weird. You may want to create another user, and test the menu with that user. Something may be misconfigured with a KDE style or

gsilvey : 27/12/01 02:21 AM : More info provided
-   Yes, it is strange. When I log in as Gary, click on "K," "Configuration,"
then "Printing," the printing menu items show up fine. When I log in as
root, click on "K," then "Configuration," as soon as I click on "Printing,"
the menu just goes away--as if I clicked outside the menu list. However,
if after I click on "Configuration," I use the up/down arrow keys to move
to "Printing," then press "Return," the printing menu items come up. I
observed this behavior only while using the KDE interface. The Gnome
interface doesn't exhibit this strange behavior

As for why I logged in as root to begin with, well, when I installed my
Lexmark Z31 printer the 1st time and tried using the Z31 driver to print
a test page, garbage was coming out, with the print head banging away, so
I wanted to cancel the print job. Being new to Linux, and not knowing the
line commands, I looked for the KDE print manager, which I found, but was
unable to delete the print job, since I was logged in under Gary, and the
printer install routine runs under root (meaning the print job belonged to
root. Sooo, I logged in under root and successfully deleted the print job.
I then logged in as Gary and tried, hoping for luck, changing the printer
driver to Z32, which at least successfully printed a test page, although
with the vertical printed lines zig-zagging down the page. So I tried running
the Head alignment utility for a Z32 under the "Printing" menu. After
answering the questions about the type of printer and function desired
I believe the program came up with a message about not having permission
to access something I can't remember right now. I then logged in as root
and tried again, but received the same message. While still logged in as
root, I tried running the Printer Utility Program under the "Printing" menu,
but when it loaded, I didn't see my printer in the list of supported
printers, so I exited the program. It was after this point I observed the
strange behavior noted above.



MandrakeSoft : 27/12/01 10:29 AM : Reply received
-   Hello,
Try to use the printerdrake command performed as root in a console in the KDE
windowing system. Fill in again all the printer parameters. This shouls overcome the
Mandrakesoft wishes you and all your family a merry
christmas and a happy new year.

Best regards,

The technical support team.

gsilvey : 29/12/01 05:02 PM : Incident closed
-   Resetting up the printer as root appears to have corrected the problem, as suggested by

Thank you Linegod & Mandrake for your help!


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