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ALi Audio

+/- details
User boy_scout
Incident Number 8022
Date 2001/12/24 15:11
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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boy_scout : 24/12/01 03:11 PM : Incident created
-   I've installed Mandrake 8.0 on my PC, it's i586 arch and kernel is 2.4.3-20mdk

I have a sound card that couldn't be installed or configured under mandrake and is located in Other Devices in the setup utility (graphical interface, in KDE).

Info that is written when I click on the sound card under Other Devices is:

Vendor: Acer Laboratories Inc. [ALi]
Model: M7101 PMU
Kernel Module: unknown
BUS type: PCI

Does anyone know where to find the drivers in rpm I can install, or some alternative help you can give me? Did anyone had similar or the same experience?


Linegod_7611 : 24/12/01 09:57 PM : Reply received
-   Try running 'sndconfig' from a console, as root, and see if it can detect your card.

boy_scout : 25/12/01 02:11 PM : More info provided
-   Thanx, I have, and the sndconfig utility detects my card, but when it tries
to play a sample sound on it to see is it configured correctly, the program just

[root@mybox /root]# sndconfig

(detected my card, exited the detection program and when tried to play a sample
sound it just hang and didn't return the new prompt, until braked by ctrl-c).

Any new ideas?

boy_scout : 25/12/01 09:57 PM : More info provided
-   The soundcard is still under 'other devices', but now it works. How I don't know,
I just did a echo "beep" > /dev/audio0 and it sounded like something. How and why
does it work now I don't know, but thanx for your help anyway. Maybe it's because
of Christmas.

Well, Merry Christmas.

boy_scout : 25/12/01 09:57 PM : Incident closed

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