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EBDA? What is EBDA, and why does it halt my s

+/- details
User idaho_guy_28
Incident Number 7805
Date 2001/12/22 15:20
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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idaho_guy_28 : 22/12/01 03:20 PM : Incident created
-   After installing some "security updates" from Mandrake update, which included the new Kernal, xmms, Image Magik and others, I rebooted my machine and received the following message:
".Loading LinuxEBDA too big"

What is EBDA, and why can't I boot now, not even into Failsafe?

HELP! please :)


Linegod_7611 : 22/12/01 06:55 PM : Reply received
-   As a note, never upgrade a kernel with Mandrake Update (newer versions of Mandrake Update do not allow you to upgrade a kernel).

To fix your problem, boot with the Linux boot disk, and when the system comes up, switch to a console, and as root, run '/sbin/lilo' to reconfigure LILO.

idaho_guy_28 : 22/12/01 09:00 PM : Incident closed
-   Well, wasn't able to use the boot disk, I didn't have one that I could find. Reinstalled and learned my lesson.

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