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Deleting bittorrent iso does not free disk space

+/- details
User bdbrdr_3059
Incident Number 77604
Date 2004/03/07 23:48
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.2 (FiveStar)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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bdbrdr_3059 : 07/03/04 11:48 PM : Incident created
-   I've deleted the 3 Mandrake 9.2.1 iso's from my machine expecting to free up approx 2 gigs of disk space (each file shows as taking up ~ 728309760 bytes). The files were deleted but disk space remains the same after deletion. Any ideas?

The 3 iso's were downloaded using the bittorrent client azureus. (I previously had the same problem removing the 9.1 iso's that were downloaded the same way ... disk space not freed up after deletion, but I thought I was just imagining things)

Below is the output from deleting the 3rd file:

[mike@chappy download]$ df
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
13G 12G 538M 96% /

[mike@chappy mike]$ cd tmp/azureus/torrents/download/

[mike@chappy download]$ ll
total 8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 728309760 Mar 5 19:46 MandrakeLinux-9.2.1-specialclub-Download-cd3.i586.iso

[root@chappy download]# rm MandrakeLinux-9.2.1-specialclub-Download-cd3.i586.iso
rm: remove regular file 'MandrakeLinux-9.2.1-specialclub-Download-cd3.i586.iso'? y

[root@chappy download]# ll MandrakeLinux-9.2.1-specialclub-Download-cd3.i586.iso
ls: MandrakeLinux-9.2.1-specialclub-Download-cd3.i586.iso: No such file or directory

[root@chappy download]$ df
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
13G 12G 538M 96% /

Linegod_7611 : 08/03/04 08:43 PM : Reply received
-   Try:

# ls *.iso
# rm -rf *specialclub*
# ls *iso
# df

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

bdbrdr_3059 : 09/03/04 05:07 AM : More info provided
-   I ran the ls command.
I tried ls -a *.iso
I also tried ls -la *
The files are no longer on the filesystem:

$ ls -a *.iso
ls: *.iso: No such file or directory

Yesterday, the file was deleted okay, but the disk space was not freed up. I don't see how this is possible. The only thing I can think of is that bittorent is writing the file to disk in some strange way (if I do an 'ls -l' on the iso's while they're being downloaded, and it shows the full size when only 10% has been downloaded). I can't find anything online about this issue though.

Thank you for any help. I have already 'lost' about 4 gigs of disk space due to this issue.

I've attached a file showing the session when the file was deleted

Linegod_7611 : 09/03/04 01:14 PM : Reply received
-   Try doing:

$ su
# cd /
# du|sort -n

This should show you if the files are located somewhere else (may take some
time to complete)

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

bdbrdr_3059 : 11/03/04 07:14 AM : Incident closed
-   After running the du|sort -n command, I added up a rough estimate and compared with the output of the df command. They seem to be pretty close, and I know that the du command accounts for all files, so seemingly it's a non-issue.

It seems strange that before and after the initial rm of the iso file, the output of the df command didn't change. Maybe a timing issue?

Anyway, thanks to Linegod for getting me to think more critically about the issue. I have subsequently removed a Mandrake 10.0 bittorrent iso from the filesystem, and freed-up disk-space was reflected correctly by the df command.

Thank You

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