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file edits not "taking"

+/- details
User plewis
Incident Number 76355
Date 2004/02/07 05:25
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.2 (FiveStar)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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plewis : 07/02/04 05:25 AM : Incident created
-   Hi,

I hope this forum is ok for this question. I have a strange problem going on. I am trying to edit a navigation link in my home page. The link is in a file named theme.html. What's weird is that the edits are not having an effect on the web page. I have used the file editor Joe and the file editor in Midnight Commander to comment out the navigation link. In both cases the file saved successfully but when I reload the home page the navigation link I comment out is still there!!

This is not a browser cache issue. I have checked the page on multiple machines and browsers.

I tried stopping and restarting the web server and I even rebooted the machine and still the problem persists.

BTW - I was successfully editing this file just 2 or 3 days ago and made several other edits to the links in the navigation bar.

ALSO - I am able to successfully edit html files in another directory in the website using Joe and MC.

I am using Mandrake 9.2 and Xoops cms.

Anyone have any suggestions about how to make these file edits "take"?



Linegod_7611 : 07/02/04 07:52 AM : Reply received
-   When you go to edit the file again, is it the same as it previously was? It
could be file permissions, and you're not actually writing the changes to the

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

plewis : 07/02/04 02:17 PM : More info provided
-   Yes, when I go to edit the file again it is the same as it was. The code to comment out the navigation link is still there.

plewis : 07/02/04 05:30 PM : More info provided
-   Hi,
This problem resolved. I had set an option in Xoops control panel to prevent changes to theme.html. I went back to the control panel set it back to allow changes to theme.html.


plewis : 07/02/04 05:32 PM : Incident closed
-   Thanks to Linegod for offering a suggestion to fix my problem.

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