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Turtle Beach Montegero (Santa Cruz?)

+/- details
User Clete2
Incident Number 75896
Date 2004/01/26 15:59
Status Incident created
Paid No

Product 9.2 (FiveStar)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Clete2 : 26/01/04 03:59 PM : Incident created
-   Hi. I have either a Turtle Beach Montegero (I think that's it) or a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz card. Mandrake did not find my drivers, nor did sndconfig. I'm on 9.2 and am using ALSA. I've previously set up my computer using Gentoo Linux and a Santa Cruz, but that was using 2.6.0 and the integrated sound in the new kernel. This computer is on 2.4.x. How do I upgrade to 2.6.1 on here? I've never tried upgrading a kernel on anything but Gentoo Linux, so I don't know what you guys use, and I'm sure it's not manual. Thanks.

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