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Superuser File Manager /log in as root/Xkill

+/- details
User Dday
Incident Number 75679
Date 2004/01/20 23:17
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.2 (FiveStar)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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Dday : 20/01/04 11:17 PM : Incident created
-   Superuser File Manager ~ There was a superuser file manager under the file manager section of the start menu. It is not there in 9.2. Is there a different file manager that can be used as su?

What steps in 9.2 do I need to take to log in as root?

I also do not see Xkill in the menu, can it be installed from a RPM on the CD or is there a reason it was not included?

Linegod_7611 : 21/01/04 04:55 PM : Reply received
-   You can create a new icon (on the desktop or in your menu) for 'konqueror'
and right-click it and select 'Properties'. Within that menu you can set
it to run as a different user, and in this case you would use 'root'.

You can use 'drakedm' to switch to a different login manager (like the
original KDE login manager) which will allow you to login as root (although
this is not recommended, as all applications that require root access will
ask for it).

Press 'CTRL-ALT-ESC' and 'xkill' will pop-up. It is now a part of XFree,
and not a seperate package.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

Dday : 24/01/04 05:32 AM : Incident closed

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