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EPI errors? But md5sum check was fine!

+/- details
User scotfood
Incident Number 7560
Date 2001/12/20 04:59
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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scotfood : 20/12/01 04:59 AM : Incident created
-   Regarding installation:

I've downloaded the Mandrake 8.1 ISO image to my disk, I've verified that it is NOT corrupt using md5sum, I have made a boot floppy and got the whole installation wizard running, but I got a few errors regarding missing packages, which I ignored. Everything went fine after that, and I finished the install wizard without any problems. BUT when it came to the first boot, I could see the bootloader, but after that I saw only a blank screen. When I rebooted and used the failsafe mode, it printed some nasty stuff, with a protection fault and the final thing was an error regarding a bad "EIP"? Then the Kernel panicked and I had a bad night.

Any thoughts as to why this might have happened, or how I may go about installing this linux?

Thanks for your help,


Linegod_7611 : 20/12/01 05:23 AM : Reply received
-   From Mandrake 8.1 errata:

Error scenario: Mandrake Linux 8.1 installs flawlessly on systems with K7T266 Pro2 Motherboards, but fails to boot after installation. Error message is "Bad EIP value".
Why: The BiosPNP support in kernel 2.4.8 is broken for the KT266A chipset.
Solution: Press "ESC" when you see the LILO bootloader screen, and type "linux nobiospnp". The system will boot correctly, giving you the change to edit /etc/lilo.conf. Add the "nobiospnp" option to every "append=" line in lilo.conf, then run /sbin/lilo, and reboot.

scotfood : 23/12/01 11:22 PM : Incident closed

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