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aimdavid : 15/01/04 04:59 PM : Incident created |
- When I send mail from my network the message queues and then generates a message "Name service error for type=A: Host not found, try again". I am running the caching name server as set up by the wizard and am experiencing no other name service anomolies. The net result is that I am unable to send mail but do recieve it. I cannot figure out if this is a name service issue or a Postfix issue.
Linegod_7611 : 16/01/04 04:57 AM : Reply received |
- Are you running your own mail server? Do you have a registered domain name?
If you are not, you should be using your ISPs mail settings for sending out
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this
aimdavid : 16/01/04 02:08 PM : More info provided |
- Yes I am running my own mail server with domain name This is a small business server that also runs http and shorewall. So i am asking a lot of the server but only the same as I did with Prosuite 8.1.
Linegod_7611 : 18/01/04 03:57 AM : Reply received |
- Have you reconfigured /etc/postfix/ to contain the line:
myhostname =
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this
aimdavid : 19/01/04 01:37 PM : More info provided |
- Yes, I have now gone through the configuration and have resolved the problem. Thanks for the help. Now on to the next issue...
aimdavid : 19/01/04 01:57 PM : Incident closed |
- The promptness of answers is far short of my need to resolve the issue so I end up finding the answer myself after investing far more time than I can afford to invest. For paid support this is less than satisfactory. I wish I could be more complimentary because I am a Mandrake devotee but I have several misgivings: Support is too slow to respond, email does not allow for quick resolution, even though I am entitled to phone support I cannot find a phone number anywhere, documentation is very poor and seems to only apply to basic Linux/Mandrake issues while leaving server issues unaddressed. Wizards are not integrated into a server administration system and seem to be less flexible than need dictates. Webmin and wizards seem to compete with one another. While Webmin is on its way to being useful, one must totally understand the programs being configured to use it. That makes it almost useless because with that level of understanding it is easier to just configure the necessary files manually.