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DIgital Camera

+/- details
User unfroody
Incident Number 75224
Date 2004/01/08 20:57
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 9.2 (FiveStar)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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unfroody : 08/01/04 08:57 PM : Incident created
-   How do i go about installing my Digital Camera. 9.1 Installed it perfectly, and put a icon on my desktop so i could mnt/unmount. 9.2 sees it but does not allow me to config it in harddrake.

Vendor: ‎Sony Corp.

Bus: ‎USB

Description: ‎DSC-S30/S70/S75/505V/F505/F707 Cybershot Digital Camera

Module: ‎Removable:camera

Media class: ‎

alans : 09/01/04 12:56 AM : Reply received
-   update your kernel to the kernel- version, but first download and
install this upgraded package:


here are some links (of the many available) to the two packages:
Alan -- MandrakeSoft Support Team :)

unfroody : 09/01/04 01:55 AM : More info provided
-   Ok, i just downloaded the bootloader-utils and installed. now i am d/l the kernel. two questions 1) what are the bootloader-utils and shouldn't i already have the latest stable kernel if i just installed 9.2. it doesn't make sense to me that my camera was recognized and worked fine in 9.1 but not in 9.2.

also, i have a few other incidents open that i would like answers to, but it seems to be taking a long time for people to get back to me.

chrisline_8746 : 09/01/04 01:22 PM : Reply received
-   Hello can you look in your /etc/modules.conf
if you have these three modules for usb:
uhci-usb, ohci-usb, usb-storage
you can add them by writing in the file or as you like:
modprobe ....
Can you look with your usbview in your console?
In case of you've got your last 9.1, you can compare files in /etc/fstab, to
look how was mounted your camera.
Best Regards Christophe mandrake Soft Team Support.

unfroody : 10/01/04 12:14 AM : More info provided
-   this is what i found in my /etc/modules.conf

probeall scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
alias eth0 via-rhine
above snd-trident snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-slot-0 snd-via82xx
probeall usb-interface usb-uhci ehci-hcd
above snd-via82xx snd-pcm-oss

i didnn't understand any thing else you said you asked me to do. i am still very much a newbie and do not know my way arund console or system files. you need to hold my hand

afunkebr : 14/01/04 02:01 PM : Reply received
-   You could just start gphoto2 or flphoto, then choose the correct brand,model
and connection type in their configuration dialog, while the camera power is
on and the camera is connected to the USB port. Some cameras work as "mass
storage" devices, while others require proprietary protocols that are not
built-in in the kernel but are available in the client programs mentioned
above. You may also have a look at the documentation about this camera at:

thinkliberty : 14/01/04 02:16 PM : Reply received
-   I am not running a default kde (I am using cooker) so you might not have this selection, If you
right click on the desktop --> create new ---> device --> camera then under the drop down tab
your camera should be there.

If you know the mount point of your digital camera I can create the file for you if you don't
have the option for it in your kde.

Have you tried flphoto? That might work for you as well.

unfroody : 15/01/04 02:35 AM : More info provided
-   i figured it out. it just didn't put the icon on the desktop automatically. i had to go looking for it.

thanks for the help

unfroody : 15/01/04 02:38 AM : Incident closed

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