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Internet streaming radio

+/- details
User georgecharles
Incident Number 74975
Date 2004/01/01 21:26
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.2 (FiveStar)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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georgecharles : 01/01/04 09:26 PM : Incident created
-   Hi to all, and a happy new year. I have been using MDK9.2 now for about 3 months and am very happy with it. Hoever, there is one area that I cannot get working, and that is listening to streaming audio from the net. I have tried all sorts of prgrams, including but not limited to:- xmms, mplayer, aviplay,xine and ogle all to no avail. The closest I have got is with aviplay, which at least causes a static noise from my sound-card. So to my question, does anyone have experience of this, and could they let me know how to achieve it. Even virgin radio (which streams using ogg) fails to work for me. Other streaming is no problem using real player, so I know my connection etc is capable of handling it.
I would especially like to know if anyone can get the following to stream.

Thnx in advance

Linegod_7611 : 02/01/04 12:24 PM : Reply received
-   It would appear to be a Windows Media Stream. Try installing the
win32-codecs for mplayer from, and do:

$ mplayer

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

georgecharles : 02/01/04 09:15 PM : More info provided
-   Hi,
Mostly successfull thanks. Just one more question, I am now able to stream from known links, however, there are lots of streaming audio links 'hidden' inside java pop-ups, and clicking on them usually results in the message "unsupported or incorrectly installed plugin. Please visit for the plugin for this application" or words to that effect. Do you have any more hints for me.


Linegod_7611 : 03/01/04 03:47 AM : Reply received
-   You could try installing 'kmplayer' (there is a Mandrake RPM of it) which
will intergrate mplayer into Konqueror. There is a similar plugin for
Mozilla, but it's name escapes me right now.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

georgecharles : 03/01/04 08:49 AM : Incident closed
-   Thanks to Linegod. Even though he wasn't 100% he pointed me in the right direction. It turned out to be the cache in mplayer set to high before streaming began (8Mb) Resetting this to 128Kb after some trial and error seems the best compromise. Still struggling with hidden java links and kplayer doesn't help, but I can live with that for now.

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