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Failure during disk check

+/- details
User owhite
Incident Number 73937
Date 2003/12/06 17:06
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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owhite : 06/12/03 05:06 PM : Incident created
-   I've just added a hard disk using harddrake2, and for various reasons, it's added a line to /etc/fstab for a disk partition which no longer exists

On bootup, the line "Error found in disk check, would you like to repair (Y/N), beware you can lose data". Answering either yes or no to this gives the same result: the disk check fails, and mandrake craps out to a "recovery console".

A recovery console which apparently doesn't have access to any text editors (/usr/bin is not mounted), and seems rather incapable of editing fstab.

Linux bootable business card can run okay. However, its access to /mnt/disks/parta6 or wherever fstab is, is read-only. So no luck getting anything fixed from there either.

Booting from installation CD1, and I think this is probably some sort of problem, it will go into an infinite loop of "cannot check hda8, repair? [Yes] [No]", then report an error and go back to "cannot check hda8, repair? [Yes] [No]". Ad infinitum.

Booting into "failsafe" mode is similar to the bootable CD. It runs, but it boots into it's own little world, where /etc/fstab is most definitely not the one I need to edit.

Surely there must be some more intelligent bootup sequence whose response to a disk error is not to blindly run in circles doing the same disk check again and again and again and again, but to load what disks it can, so that the errors can be recovered from?

owhite : 06/12/03 06:55 PM : More info provided
-   Solved, at the cost of my /home directory and a lot of lost work

Linegod_7611 : 06/12/03 07:02 PM : Reply received
-   Boot with the Mandrake Install CD. At the splash screen, press 'F1' and at
the next screen, type 'rescue'.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

owhite : 14/12/03 01:46 AM : Incident closed

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