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CDRom and Sound???

+/- details
User Drowsy81
Incident Number 7209
Date 2001/12/18 01:09
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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Drowsy81 : 18/12/01 01:09 AM : Incident created
-   On my Linux Mandrake 8.0 box I can play sound that is already on my computer (mp3 format) but when I comes to playing cd's it wont play them, it will show that they are playing but no sound comes out, I have checked the levels on everything and even asked a few people, can anyone help?

Linegod_7611 : 18/12/01 03:57 AM : More info requested
-   Have you checked to see if the audio cable from the CD-ROM is attached to the soundcard?

Drowsy81 : 19/12/01 11:01 PM : More info provided
-   there is a wire that is plugged into my cdrom and my motherboard. I took it out of my cdrom and pluged it into my soundcard and it still didn't work. I removed it from my motherboard and it is a different plug, do I have to get a different wire so I can plug it into my soundcard and my cdrom?

Linegod_7611 : 20/12/01 05:18 AM : Reply received
-   Most likely yes. You probably have an onboard soundcard (one that is embedded in the motherboard), and that cable was used for it. You should be able to get the correct one (for CD-ROM-Soundcard) for a couple of dollars at any PC store.

Drowsy81 : 20/12/01 11:56 PM : More info provided
-   Yeah figures, i'll just go to the same place I got the sound card they sold the wires for a couple of cents so I will just pick it up. Yeah I did have an onboard soundcard that died like 2 years ago, I had a different one in there that didnt work in Linux and I never had to plug in a wire to it but anyways, THANK YOU!

Linegod_7611 : 21/12/01 04:17 AM : Reply received
-   No problem, if it works, please remember to close off this question.

Drowsy81 : 23/12/01 02:24 AM : Incident closed

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