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kernel memory using Opteron

+/- details
User imapilot
Incident Number 72085
Date 2003/10/27 22:09
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 9.2 (FiveStar)
Architecture ia64
Scope Installation

Products owned

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
imapilot : 27/10/03 10:09 PM : Incident created
-   I have installed Linux 9.2 on a dual Opteron system (2x Opteron 242) used for number crunching. The kernel is the standard 2.4.22-10mdkenterprise kernel. I am seeing an excessive amount of memory being used by the kernel (??). Immediately after boot, even without running the X server, the OS has already claimed 1.2G of the 2G available. My code execution requries 800M per instance, I usually run 2 instances. I noticed the problem because with 2 code instances running, the machine was swapping like mad, so the memory usage is real, it's not cached, it's not buffered, the kernel / OS has really sucked up 1.2G of memory. This seems a bit excessive. Do I need to do anything special for AMD Opteron configuration??
Matt Knapp

Linegod_7611 : 28/10/03 05:10 AM : Reply received
-   Are you running the AMD64 version of Mandrake?

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

imapilot : 28/10/03 07:49 PM : More info provided
-   Was not running ia64
will install

imapilot : 28/10/03 11:12 PM : Incident closed

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