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lline 1: head: command not found

+/- details
User Pimple
Incident Number 71723
Date 2003/10/16 22:19
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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Pimple : 16/10/03 10:19 PM : Incident created
-   /etc/rc5.d/S17alsa
line 1: head: command not found

(happens on boot - and when i run the 'enemy territory' installer ;)

I don't know what's wrong beside the obvious. ALSA is working as fine as always, despite this, but when I run the enemy territory installer, I get the following message, also containing'head: command not found':

[pimple@moominbox setups]$ sh
Verifying archive line 1: head: command not found
Error in MD5 checksums: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is different from 01d1c915476778f01d73e5aa092039a2

As for the checksums, the file works on my brother's computer, also running Mandrake 9.1.

Linegod_7611 : 16/10/03 11:06 PM : Reply received
-   Weird. '/usr/bin/head' is a part of 'coreutils', which should be installed
on your system by default. Try typing 'which head' to see if it is there,
and if not, install coreutils:

# urpmi coreutils

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

Pimple : 23/10/03 06:53 PM : Incident closed
-   Thanks. I installed the package 'textutils" (found on rpmfind), and it's working fine again :)

I don't know what went wrong though - and it seems like the coreutils were installed already. Only the /usr/bin/head file was missing.

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