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logging in as root

+/- details
User littlejimm
Incident Number 71390
Date 2003/10/06 03:35
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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littlejimm : 06/10/03 03:35 AM : Incident created
-   I have jsut finished installing Mandrake and am attempting to get drivers for devices. I have found several resources for how to install drivers that i have found, all of which "require" me to log in as root to perform.

Being custom to the ways of windows i simply logged out of my user account expecting a root account to be at the login prompt screen. To my horror there is no root account at the login prompt, (it only lists the users). this doesn't seem right to me, but i don't know much.

This may be a silly question but it is something that i need answered. How do you login as root?


[email protected]

Linegod_7611 : 06/10/03 06:53 AM : Reply received
-   Open up a console (ALT-F2 and type 'konsole') then at the prompt type:

# su (which means 'switch user'. With nothing behind it, it defaults to root)

Then enter your root password. Anything you launch from this console will then be launched as

The main reason for not allowing root access via login is to prevent people from 'accidentally'
destroying there system, or opening themselves up to other problems. With a little work, you can
add a root login to your login screen, but it is recommended that you simply access root when
required. Certain programs (like Mandrake Control Center) will simply ask for the root password
when they run. You can make any program do this by select 'Run as a different user' in the
properties dialog of the application.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

littlejimm : 07/10/03 12:02 AM : Incident closed

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