- I have kde 3.1.0 and I'd like to update to 3.1.4
I'm very new to Linux, so some of the steps/requirments are forigen to me.
I don't see an rpm for Mandrake at kde.org, so I'm assuming that I need to build from source, but in the instructions I read:
Unlike most compiled software, Qt is compiled in the place where it will stay instead of using a 'make install'. Please read the INSTALL instructions in the Qt package. You need to set the QTDIR and KDEDIR to the locations where Qt and KDE will be installed, respectively. Also, append $QTDIR/bin and $KDEDIR/bin to your $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Alternatively, instead of using $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you may add your Qt and KDE library paths to /etc/ld.so.conf, but don't forget to run ldconfig as root after installing Qt and kdelibs, otherwise configure scripts will fail to find the newly installed libraries!
bunzip2 qt-x11-3.1.1.tar.bz2
tar xvf qt-x11-3.1.1.tar
cd qt-x11-3.1.1
./configure -system-zlib -qt-gif -system-libpng
-system-libjpeg -plugin-imgfmt-mng -thread -no-stl
-no-xinerama -no-g -exceptions
Note that -thread is required (KDE will not run or even compile if you omit it), that -no-xinerama is only if you're not using xinerama, and -no-g -exceptions is strongly recommended if you're using gcc.
Make sure to compile and install first arts, and afterwards kdelibs before any other packages. Also, if you want to use kdeaddons, it should be compiled last as it requires kdebase, kdemultimedia, etc.
Reading those instructions, and with the fact that I already have 3.1.0 running fine, can I simply d/l the packages and compile them as directed (in the last paragraph?)