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Better control of gnome-terminal

+/- details
User promedmec
Incident Number 71301
Date 2003/10/02 03:15
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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promedmec : 02/10/03 03:15 AM : Incident created
-   I'm using (from KDE) gnome-terminal 2.2.1 to telnet into a database on a aix system. It works fine, except for a couple things I'd like to see if I can resolve. I need to emulate a green-screen's (Wyse50, Viewpoint, etc.) ability to switch between 80 and 132 column display, controlled by program escape sequences. Is there any way to switch fonts by program control *after* the telnet session is already up and running?
Also, I need full use of the function keys. F1 and F10 react directly with gnome/linux, rather that returning any kind of value. Can this be changed?

Art Martz

Linegod_7611 : 02/10/03 10:50 AM : Reply received
-   Have you tried using 'konsole' instead of gnome-terminal? It may offer more
control over your function settings.

You'll also need to install the 'ncurses-extraterms' RPM, then take a look at this
page for setting up terminals:

You might also look at
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

promedmec : 03/10/03 01:52 AM : More info provided
-   Telnet in Konsole worked better than I thought it would. It's function keys I can work with. I think I put too much emphasis on the Wyse emulation in my original message. I'm using gnome (and exploring konsole) in the ansi emulation, wyse not needed or desired. What konsole and gnome don't do is respond to vt100 escape sequences for 80 & 132 columns. What I've been trying are as follows:
csi=ESC:"[" ; *!CSI (Shift-ESC)
wd1=csi:"?3h" ; *!Wide screen on (132 Columns)
wd0=csi:"?3l" ; *!Wide screen off (80 Columns)

I've also tried to find ansi escape sequences. All I could find are:
ESC[=#h Set Mode (SM)
Escape parameters for Set Mode (SM)
0 40x25 black& white
1 40x25 color
2 80x25 black & white
3 80x25 color

What I need is a 132x25 color or b&w, but that doesn't seem an option. Trying term="vt100";export term and then the telnet command didn't seem to help any for the 132 col mode. Any ideas how I might do this with ansi or vt100?

Thanks for the suggestions so far!!


Linegod_7611 : 03/10/03 06:23 PM : Reply received
-   You may try exporting 'TERM' instead of 'term'. Have you taken a look at the

This may also help: , but it looks like you have
the codes correct already....

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

promedmec : 03/10/03 08:31 PM : More info provided
-   I think I was using TERM instead of term, I probably typed it wrong here. I had taken it that the 'ncurses-extraterms' RPM was pretty much to get Wyse or Viewpoint compatibility, which is irrelevent. Was I incorrect about this?

Linegod_7611 : 04/10/03 03:55 AM : Reply received
-   'ncurses-extraterms' has hundreds of different terminal configurations, which may help in
configuring 'local' support for different terminal emulations.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

promedmec : 28/10/03 08:52 PM : Incident closed

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