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case in bash script

+/- details
User javiermarcon
Incident Number 71257
Date 2003/09/30 14:45
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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javiermarcon : 30/09/03 02:45 PM : Incident created
-   Hello I made a bash script, with a ccase, but it doesn't select the '? )' option. Here is the script:


case $1 in
'pepe' )
valor2='15k' ;;
'pepa' )
valor2='17k' ;;
'pepeon' )
valor2='25k' ;;
? )
echo 'Hay que elegir algo'
exit 0
echo '$1 $valor $valor2'

The problem is that it never gives me the error echo 'Hay que elegir algo', if i don't put any of the values that the case have. How can i fix it to give me that echo message when I put an opion that is not pepe, pepa or pepon?


nexus_la : 06/10/03 07:41 PM : More info requested
-   Try this variant(replace ? with *):

valor2='25k' ;;
* )
echo 'Hay que elegir algo'
exit 0

javiermarcon : 08/10/03 03:23 PM : Incident closed

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