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Installing Bamboo

+/- details
User MexiLinux
Incident Number 71134
Date 2003/09/26 20:12
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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MexiLinux : 26/09/03 08:12 PM : Incident created
-   I tried installing Bamboo today. I did get the first screen asking if I wanted to install Linux. I hit return, my screen goes black and the LED's on my keyboard started flashing, nothing else happened. I also tried vgalo and vgalo noauto and the same thing happened. Any ideas?

Linegod_7611 : 26/09/03 08:28 PM : Reply received
-   From the Mandrake errata:

Error scenario: Booting the installer, a machine with a lot of memory (1GB or more) hangs with
flashing caps/scroll lock LEDs (Bugzilla #3198).
Why: It seems as though there is framebuffer trouble with certain video cards on machines with a
high amount of memory.
Solution: At the installer splash screen when you first boot off the CD or floppy disks, press F1
and type "linux vga=0"

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

MexiLinux : 27/09/03 01:44 AM : Incident closed
-   it works. I will be installing later tonight/morning.

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