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+/- details
User jtwatson
Incident Number 7091
Date 2001/12/17 08:07
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Development

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jtwatson : 17/12/01 08:07 AM : Incident created
-   Hello
I want to get more involved in cooker, and cookfire. The problem is that there seems to be a great deal of secrecy around the cooker. Where is there some good resorces about how the hole cooker process works and how to get involved. There is little blurbs around about one issue or another, but what about a good overview on how cooker works. Here is one of my questions.

I have read on the mailling lists that there is a now version of SNF out, and there will be another version based on 2.4 kernel soon. That is it??? Where is this now version, how can I test it out, contrubute, etc??

I like SNF a lot and am using it, and would like to contrubute. But if I am hacking on a old version, I might be wasting my time.

Please help me out if you can.



Linegod_7611 : 17/12/01 10:40 PM : Reply received
-   Information, including a FAQ, is located at http://www.linux-

The new SNF is simply an add on to the normal distribution, instead of a
seperate 'cooker' of its own, and can be found at any of the Cooker mirrors
(see above link).

You should review the archives of Cooker, and then post any questions that
aren't answered to the Cooker mailing list (see http://www.linux-

jtwatson : 03/03/02 03:59 PM : Incident closed

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