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Mandrake 9.1 Floppy boot

+/- details
User yurigagarin
Incident Number 70158
Date 2003/08/31 08:32
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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yurigagarin : 31/08/03 08:32 AM : Incident created
-   /lib/modules/cz-2.4.19-8mdkBOOT: I have recently purchased Mandrake 9.1 dirt cheap from a 3rd party vendor in the form of 3 CDs. The CDs will not boot themselves even though it is supposed to. I have tried copying cdrom.img onto a floppy but the message " not enough room" is what I get when I try to transfer this file from cdrom to floppy. I already have Mandrake 9.0 installed on my computer and tried to use the floppy boot for 9.0 to install 9.1 but it will not work. After starting the boot, a message comes on saying that /" lib/modules/cz-2.4.19-8mdkBOOT is missing" . What should I do? Is there a particular file from 9.1 cdrom.img that I can put on the 9.0 floppy? Alternatives?

Linegod_7611 : 31/08/03 10:21 AM : Reply received
-   You can't copy the cdrom.img file directly to the floppy, it is a compressed
image. Put a blank floppy in the floppy drive, and from the directory that
contains 'cdrom.img', do the following at a console:

# su
# dd if=cdrom.img of=/dev/fd0

This will create a boot floppy.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

yurigagarin : 02/09/03 05:06 PM : Incident closed

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