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memorex 48u scanner

+/- details
User tufkal
Incident Number 69721
Date 2003/08/23 22:04
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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tufkal : 23/08/03 10:04 PM : Incident created
-   I just picked up a Memorex MEM48u scanner from a local retailer and am running into trouble configuring it. I research via SANE and found out it uses the backend artec_eplus48u. I had to update to the cooker RPM of sane to get the 0.12 backends that had it in the .conf file. Now scannerdrake picks it up and throws xsane into my menu. But xsane says it cant find any scanners. I drop to a console and do sane-finder-scanner and it finds it

found USB scanner (vendor=0x05d8, product=0x4005) at libusb:002:002

then i do a scanimage -L

device `artec_eplus48u:libusb:002:002' is a Memorex MEM 48U USB flatbed scanner

but when I try to use scaniamge to scan, or xsane i get scanner not found

so then i tried as root

scanimage and xsane both see the scanner now but give an error about an invalid argument.

scanimage: open of device artec_eplus48u:libusb:002:002 failed: Invalid argument

same error in xsane and scanimage, and remind you only get this far as root.

What steps do i take next?

tufkal : 07/10/03 05:31 AM : Incident closed

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