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Web Control Panel

+/- details
User javiermarcon
Incident Number 69001
Date 2003/08/14 23:00
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

Products owned
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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
javiermarcon : 14/08/03 11:00 PM : Incident created
-   Hello, I need to install a web control panel, and i found Vishwakarma, but it uses ldap authentication in mail server.

I have a server that is already running sendmail, ipop3d, imap, Apache and so on, but the mail authentication doesn't use Ldap. Could I install and run Vishwakarma without changing the authentication to Ldap? If I change the authentication to Ldap, do the end users have to change something in order to keep using the mail server, and do this affect the webmail (openwebmail) configuration?


Linegod_7611 : 15/08/03 09:47 PM : Reply received
-   Did you try Webmin (the package is on the CD)?

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

oykug : 17/08/03 07:18 PM : Reply received
-   What's your intention for using a web control panel? If you want to manage the
server and services etc. etc. webmin is the answer and it's in the CD. If you
want to be able to have a web interface that'll enable you to manage several
different virtual hosts their mail dns and etc, then that's something different.

javiermarcon : 19/08/03 07:34 PM : More info provided
-   Thanks. I already tried webmin, but I want something easy to the customers, to change their passwords, see how many quota left do they have, to enable new mail accounts, manage mysql databases, etc. Something like the Haiti Control Panel of Towebs ( Thanks.

dbeirne : 24/08/03 01:22 AM : Reply received
-   I suspect you are more likely to get a better answer to this question from one
of the mailing lists associated with this Vishwakarma product.



Please remember to close the incident if the problem is solved. Thank you.

javiermarcon : 25/08/03 07:25 PM : Incident closed

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