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Need to format root file system?

+/- details
User andlazarpn
Incident Number 6808
Date 2001/12/14 13:15
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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andlazarpn : 14/12/01 01:15 PM : Incident created
-   The instructions insist that I format the root filesystem to upgrade 8.0 to 8.1. I have spend much effort in installling and organizing this filesystem, and have many installed and licences software packages in there. Such packages have licensce codes and setup files distributed throughout the file system. My desktop is in there too. It is not reasonable to delete an entire system to upgrade -- that is a clean install, not an upgrade.

How do I upgrade PowerPack 8.0 to Power Pack 8.1 (both purchased and licesned with you) without having to erase everything that I've done?

Mandrake's instructions, in the book and on-line have *no* information whatsoever about upgrading one Mandrake Linux version to another -- not one word. There is sufficient description about upgrading Windows to Linux, but I've abandoned Windows years ago...... Please include specific instruction for upgrading already installed Mandrake versions, without deleting everything and re-installing from scratch.

Thank you! - Andy Lazarewicz

Linegod_7611 : 14/12/01 02:08 PM : Reply received
-   During the install, select 'expert' for install and then it will give you the option to select 'upgrade'.

andlazarpn : 04/01/02 02:34 AM : Incident closed

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