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Can someone help me with Snort

+/- details
User jfreedkin
Incident Number 68030
Date 2003/08/10 19:43
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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jfreedkin : 10/08/03 07:43 PM : Incident created
-   I have downloaded the installation instructions for Snort for RedHat 9 from's website. They have the user compile all the components from Tarballs rather than using RPM's (or SRPM's). For the full working stand alone Snort IDS system, it has the user install MySql, Snort, Acid, Apache PHP, JPlot, and a few other required components like ZLib and LibPcap (if my memory serves me correctly).
My question is, has anyone installed this full IDS solution before? and if so, it is better to compile it, or use RPM's?
Doesn't using RPM's make it easier to upgrade (in case new bugs or security vulnerabilities are discovered in the components)??

Any assistance or suggestions are appreciated.
Thank you.

Linegod_7611 : 14/08/03 12:06 AM : Reply received
-   Use the RPMs, and not RedHats, but the Mandrake ones:

# urpmi snort snort-mysql acid

It should take care of the dependancies.

Or you can get them from a Mandrake mirror.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

jfreedkin : 14/08/03 05:57 AM : More info provided
-   So will this command install all the components (with dependencies) I need to do the same job the Red hat install steps would do (install Apache and PHP, install MySql, install Acid, and those other components)?

Thanks again for the assistance.
I will close the ticket on a final from you.

Linegod_7611 : 15/08/03 09:39 PM : Reply received
-   Just add those to the command:

# urpmi snort snort-mysql acid apache2 php

snort-mysql should require MySQL and ask to install it, but if for some reason
it does not, just do:

# urpmi mysql

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

jfreedkin : 18/08/03 01:15 AM : Incident closed
-   The assistance provided was clear and fully explained the steps to resolve my concern (far better than Microsoft's assistance which costs a small fortune for less than percise advice.).
Thanks again.

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