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nickcl : 10/12/01 11:51 AM : Incident created |
- I can only boot from a floppy bootup disk.
If I try to boot from the hard disk, the system hangs at the letters LI...
I have Mandrake installed on its own 2nd harddisk with WinXP Pro RC2526 on the primary disk.
I tried Boot Magic and it hung at the same place.
System AMDk62 500 - 326 mb -geoforce2mx - promise ultra ata 100 PCI card with Maxtor 13gb and Fujitsu 8mb connected - sitecom network card -sblive value - Chaintech 5agm2 MB - PS/2 mouse.
I used the recommended install.
How can I boot from the hard disk?
Linegod_7611 : 10/12/01 02:11 PM : Reply received |
- Here are the LILO boot errors:
This can usually be fixed by either running '/sbin/lilo' after booting with the floppy, or by setting your harddrive to 'LBA' via the BIOS.
nickcl : 11/12/01 09:37 PM : More info provided |
- Tried the lilo trick, no luck.
My hard disks are connected to the Promise Ultra 100 card - is this the cause of the problem? Is lilo configured incorrectly?; if so how can I point it to find the second disk [hde5] and boot correctly. Linux is installed on the second drive; it is installed on a logical partition. Win XP is on the primary disk. If I reinstall Linux it screws the MBR and I can't access XP - have to fdisk /mbr- even if I tell the installer to put LILO on the Linux logical partition.
I'm new to Linux and I'm keen to explore it and would like to be able to dual boot with XP.
Linegod_7611 : 13/12/01 04:24 AM : Reply received |
- You might try the info at
nickcl : 19/12/01 07:05 PM : More info provided |
- Browsed the pages in question - think the problem is the second hard disk being attached to the Promise card confusing LILO?
I have now installed Linux in a partition on the primary drive, using Boot Magic as the boot manager, all is well.
Thanks for the help, Nick.
nickcl : 19/12/01 07:06 PM : Incident closed |